Saturday, November 1, 2008

Be Spontaneous

With so much of our lives governed by rules and routines, its easy to get caught up in living a monotonous existence. Plodding along, doing what is expected... doing what you've always done.

But how boring is that! Sure its great when you do the same thing over and over (because chances are you become really good at it - what a great boost to your self-confidence!), but is it really fulfilling?

I was at the movies last night and saw the trailer for a new Jim Carrey film - Yes Man. The movie itself looks pretty lame, but the overriding message has some merit. Instead of just doing what you've always done (and that may be saying no to anything out of your comfort zone), why not say 'yes'!

Why not join that scone baking group, go to an Antiguan restaurant, learn how to play bocce...

Why not make the decision to do something new/different once a week and have a little fun. Who knows where it may take you :)

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